will stand above all mt.s to watch drugs be out of brsil by 2014.jesus stans tall on the mt.in 2013 of brsil.why russin to get ruby rubion red oh no the brownze because I like their pix. lont time ago to know they got brownze.prc plus east india have over half the entire can bee no can be seen population and to combine both can make all people happy if there is only one religion they want to create,understand?everyone knew amercia won jowon the olajuwon amercia got 46 golds and why paul the oct. 8 octapus and you believed animals had guessed prc would win the most?animals have spirits?let animals all go to schools and people run on the farms.
最帥體操男馬歇爾床照曝光 粉絲心碎痛哭
2012年8月11日 19:16
雖然今年是24歲的馬歇爾.阮(Marcel Nguyen)首次參加奧運,但他憑藉優異表現奪下男子個人全能銀牌,成績亮眼。加上他長相俊俏有型,身材精壯結實,在本屆奧運中素有「最帥體操男」美稱,網友也說若他願意出道,絕對可以打垮線上一票明星。
▲馬歇爾.阮在本屆奧運中素有「最帥體操男」美稱。(圖/擷自Marcel Nguyen臉書)
they got god to post on my blog and they are so anxious whether god loves them or not.use translation software but your hardware inside their and your knowledge are I'm much fair only much not any more.why lin showed in up sea in prc? because when people didn't scratch his hand and be nice to this animal he'll walk by you in same road as he's in up sea and thought there are celebrities who fly in n out in round trees many of days and thanks for melon to read knicks fans' and lin's fans' blogs and sugessed d'antoni and d'antoni also read internet and reporters' text for lin to play on yard on 2/1.2/2.2/3.till 2/4.thanks the fans you all made happen for knicks had lin and 1967 rockets was established and israel in 1967 the 6700 people of aliens you can't even see them israel ;israel.
他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....他居然不是 gay....
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有些粉絲可能吃醋吧!否則怎麼心碎?人家已經有女朋友啊 !發生性關係也是正常 無聊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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