• Jul 24 Tue 2012 11:06
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4月 2005 General Conference




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three men made true loves to cover their gfs and my words for please no more after mid-nights parties. mormons said yesssssssssssss. the ma held her daughter and both were killed but the the unborn babe is shortly safe so far for aliens didn't make you to bearn in and out from eggs cells and all had mothers' thick to protect for up to eleven months and shw wore in red and cried to thank you her ex to protect by sacrificed his own life and in sacrificing we'll all take it easy to make worlds peace for no parties any time even during the days when nearby isn't secured and not holy protected.for KD I will make him in this danger if he has towards all his thoughts to and in me only and I won't cover him by my body for I even will not have the chance to face the gunshot for if I CAN DIE THEN i must be the happiest for myself to leave my missions and please keep anytime holy and plese seek for holy.movies and cinema 16+1 onegod. the L as siad:

  1. Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King?

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  • Jul 24 Tue 2012 09:50
  • 67.

他頂着一頭橙色頭髮、眼睛睜大、表情茫然、沒刮鬍子。 美國科羅拉多州槍擊案嫌犯詹姆斯‧霍姆斯23日首度出庭受審,引發美國各界廣泛關注。 james is kind of waking up a little now for he isn't sure did he really had one all those or should him had blamed to computres controlling on him but the one in eu,he's very sure he knows heavens' churches are not all ear+peoples' totally evil church and as hitler the eu man and both the eu men are sure and were sure the death penalty won't still won't be descending unto them for hitler died long time ago and crazy people still thought he is living with aliens now and the eu man is very sure he won't killed and he has no reget and even he knew all church was and is wrong and his belif was and is and will be even the worest to any one as why L let many kingsand many religionsts to kill people massively and for animals to learn to be acting as what so called people robots and not the buddhism's all creature are fathers and mas to each you.no.head is head ass is ass. but all L LOVES AND CHERISH EVEN l CAN'T KILL ANY AND ANYTHING BUT  selfkilling cells and not to be kd WHO kd KD to break his arm for unecessary blooding and true you'd watched lin to bleeded all noise and still played for thirty mins and not just once and L wanna you happy and others can be your repenting for forever.bible:to allow people supposely all people have the sdame rights especially for christians are only freedom people and buddhists and daoists put themselves into locker rooms. as old wisdom is to wake up the oysters but they were all aready died and still need to wake up? no. for people's fun love likeness and people wanna take god's all advantages and you do need to wake up the oysters for food is good for people but eat them wisely and all you want is love in me and L is the god you wanna be the most yourselves all together.   

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for like the law wheels turned which jesus and founder may not and must not understood anything about typhoon to hurrican as when I was leading and acted as parts of buddha and I used jesus' robot body to serve millitary and when he's sleeping for reparing and I use other robots in the west and I nerver like b-ball more than footballs so easy to get both kinds of fans and look at my pix I had nba socks and gd's really a weird for aliens constantly to cheat people for their fun and told me to wear nba socks and jazz and he disigned all my colourful colours and I wear totally all different colours than when I was thin. gd ssaid lin saw me wore the white t-shirt I had both my cars on and gd does tell me what to wear everyday and even couple days ago and the earliest christian church had the tree of life from L me and it's more accurate than the incorrect yoga's rainbow colours for red is buttom but people show different colours for around heads for some colours maight have to show the illness and air the air kung fu the chi kung fu and aliens to check for colours of viruses and bugs and ghosts to see the colourful lights of daoists' wrong of living people to have firs to burn on shoulders and no fire to burn is ghosts are in and may will be dying soon and each robot has time and can be checked as a conditioner the AC or dc or lc or whirlpool and his ma said please don't be fool by her priest and the best is your passion is always around your head for red big red is passion and be arounding your head and pink is romance all your best is around heads.when you love to clean dogs' shit and also going to curch to not to repent yoursleves but cusing mslims will be captured by god and all buddhists are parying their husbands all don't believe icon idols and you left all your heritage for a dog or a cat and I only could let you eat dog's food when you are in hells as a ghost and mislims to hate dogs and pigs for their alallah passion is maybe some aliens have dogs' ears and bore's faces and muslims robots bodies and all you are ridiculous and will be too late to find out for three days before each of your death and also is mission for messiah and some and many of many had worst lifes after they were ghosts and for majorities this your learning and true school of studying now for L never heard any voice from hells for hevens had and has and have and will no care of how aliens treat and will treat a you each you in hells even sometimes in the ear+hells.  

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YOU MANY YOU CRITIZED how ko be pursed and eagle for money and 8.23.same lin is same but lin wants high wage to show he's success and he had told to sign the new manager to gain for more and better ads for he truly meant to have ads in many years for only volvo why change the logo to male arrow and be alluring his fans to particular merchandise not many sells of him in verities lin in mixed goods means 1. he really wanna a car and a truck maybe which called 4 x4 and it's called truck in outside usa and 2.he please his fans be focusing on each lin's ad for each term for he shows his loyalty to his business area partners and 3.he thinks it's way to simple his life into the easy and simple ways for he owns high wage and proofs his worthy and how will go as everyone is same begore only god.we will make either his a totally a loser or he makes his best to only be one month yopunger than fields means hey people say and will say ok it's mmmm linsanity only he's holding the ball the all time and sure 29 teams are losers depends how much each 29 team has gonna been and will progess for L AND ALIENS A=NOT AL=ONLY L BUT L's alien/s as well.like magics can't you dusts brains to understand and L keep writing and please be don't bother me of all 29 teams I am only only the whole fan is KD and I don't care all 29. only L needs to set for all will be lost in time is used as as tool time isn't god but love is means eastern nations thought all magics are good gods are ridiculous and aliens who keep watch your daily lifes to learn how they were silly when they were mortal transfered into immortalities circustances and many his kinds and god's very taking it easy to use all lights in you can see or can't see to move all you can see and can't see to be fullfilled computres re-programming means how a dog thinks of you maybe gd told it to reply me or strange dog gd doesn't do anything by standing by me and air it's thinner parts for air are lights to finish aliens' computers index and all magics. to dream to live to fun and make fun and be fun and all take it easy to enjoy all you can have and making good in next lists of only god's and even you want to live with west worlds' only highest buddha the a ming=tomorrow L is me.Amitabha and also founder said why be so dog leg for trying to be west side residents for founder siad himself is the highest king in central to compare medicine buddha's east to have all illness and sickness people to live by chosen ear+th will be all blinders ear+th people and founder also said he would be battling with me for his my batism john he siad himself and he didn't and doesn't and wont' be knowing either me or him is the highest for central heavens for he assumed I the L L is only the biggest founder said in many scriptures and he assumes I'll be busy visiting all mine all mine means al-allah said founder and in fact I'll let him to in charge of central for I'm also amitabha

not mitt re and amitabha and there's no medicine buddha for only one buddha for founder he said buddhism was first made by me and it was old people to believe and he was second to establish it as he only could say a little and when maitreyetraya came all law will be fixing by me for L IS THE TRUE BIGGEST FOR BUDDHA HAD RESPONSIBILITIES TO punish people who followed him and made errors and mistakes by they should be misleading for god's fair judge and 2500 ago he turned his founding law wheels and he's fully guilty and when I come I'll set him for free and not guilty and in many of buddhism books founder answered why L can do totally different to old byddhism systems and like taiwan used to ask gold door ladies to save millitary and now sets free and for myself by me and try to think what L I really think and you can't against only god's willness my will and like you used to know before people said please bless me buddha no any man could have blessing but law wheels changed for now even muslims and muslins say please make me into syrians families plese let me in buddha but now armies and not ok for only allah L me and AGAINST THE HOLY TRUE TRUTH and worlds peace please for aliens really can sex and the love to shine their emotinal passionates and spirits only.they do touch as some taiwan ladies were touched maybe by ghosts as jeremy and jeremies and aliens for they we made people as we feed dogs have our purposes and cockroaches can multiple so fast and have been living for 400000000 years on an ear + th planets.earth isn't the earth.remember sophia said she saw a young man always put his left hand inside his pants the traffic died ghost and there's nothing inside his panths as one L guy not me you know and all know around the worlds and ghosts are using thinking to be afraid they will be totally be gone for this valuable and meaningful existing and that's why only thing is same as all aliens the wholde al-allah muslins muslims ghosts only need love to help them to live happily and fun to love me and help them to bless you the exsisting off springssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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第一位單人飛越大西洋的女飛行員 Amelia Earhart 115歲誕辰when 炳 the big firs died in bayjin and where's now? his bones ashes are in taiwan now and he is in your dream when you might had dreamed of a train or bus or both and their images were and still are on the bending angles as time and love and 3rd spaces are just going through the mirrors as a car which is reflecting by japanese sushi store's glassses...all whiter lights bros look the same for one judgesments and it depends your aliens/s to take you and the first day in pix above to aliens' no highest leaders are fighting means al-allah passion is all in satans in god's plans and satan is sacrificing and no greek and daoists gods were and are battling and all is passion and in one love and worlds peace please for take it easy please for taking worlds peace eaily it.,  aliens will take you after your this or only death according to alie3ns' books and will not only made for you and will not bring you fortune immediately for you sincerely play money gods and who wasn't sincerely praying dollars god once and before and for many of you think if pray to death gods seriously and will... who hadn't ? who?for before buddhism no one said english alphabet for b,u,d,h,i,s,m letters and the L L said now all prayed any commercial governments controlled religionsts ye true thruth is LL said L charged all-al allah passion and take it wrolds peace easy and after all prayed messiah and same to apply and who can cheat who will still be not all are under aliens?means aliens won't not to follow big fire the plans for him to the next step for there's no time besides people's wrong visions and all time is there includes all past,2.present;3.future and 1.1past begginging.and 2.present now and all time is flat for any can travell into aliens worlds for even dreaming and all can be shown by watching the mirrors and you told the aliens and your past passed away people you knew why I played so bad in mirrors' dramas and 3.3 future to end all dramas and right away be mine is only fair to fix anyone's future and once fixing by me L l said the past of you is also fixing and this is true mercy and charity a god's only LOVE lord LIFE lean l-IN way and as only buddhism is one word only for mine is mine and not coming to me is ok but I don't know L, and w/o my fate and destiny not anything is for me to care and nothing mattre for re ers people for me are vain and vold and must avoid people simply to say the fair judgement is fate brings you to me you are luck and L me isn't but L I know you and for nothing to do with me and is dust and are dusts for the fairest is destiny causes us in one alallah families and not in my lists not a booking records and not important for your aliens judge me and they don't and be totally afraid to bother me.period.it's true and only fair for all come in one leader.I don't know you it's your business for any reason can be to be a man or be transmirgration this year or be born or...all simple and meaning useful for me or nothing else and I don't know you it's up to you and dusts are dusts even your name on tv whether is good or bad I MAY CARE OR NOT IT DEPENDS GD.TAKE IT EASY FOR MERCY IS PASSIONERS TO LOVE.

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L SAID TAKE IT EASY AND 『我覺得這是上帝在向我說你衝太快了,教練,我會復原的,到時候你等著看我的身體,我會比受傷前還要強!』如果你知道他的個性,你就知道當他說出這種話時,他就真的會竭盡所能去完成自己的目標。」TRUE GOD i 'D SAID TO YOU ROSE.


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and the best is two head coaches.


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  • Jul 23 Mon 2012 14:09
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