【大紀元訊】樂壇天后麥當娜(Madonna)一向以虔誠卡巴拉教徒見稱,更經常向圈中人如Britney Spears等傳教,不過,最近卻傳出她脫離該猶太教會的消息。據《獨立報》報導,娜姐早前向閨中密友透露,打算把一直貼身的教會紅色手繩脫下,並對於該教苛索捐獻的教規頗有微言,據悉娜姐每年捐款高達數百萬英鎊,絕對不是小數目。 |
o like in amercia if you are a married man you usually don't wear any ring especially not on the forth finder of left hand for right the right side is standing by god.for taiwan men they don't know and they keep wear the forth finger on the left hand and real marrying men who wear any finger on the right hand and made foreigners thought they were still singles.good to leave do it well and take it easy for worlds peace.modanna.