happy fun life my all loves and icons and my passed or past idols.super idols for god knows every every everything/s.

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

when you watch dogs not only carfield on movies they are trained well and almost every human is training well done and this is buddhism mercy?

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

future is set-up but when your future helps you to change today he she they and you can even help you on dreams and your past to be fully fixed to well done for your past and your past will get fix and karma is needing to be re-wed the renewal to help systems to program better love no any karma to your tomorrow and even much better of your future and don't need to wait for next life if you desire to live w/o true god and god is only the big families and this is calle true forecast for making some ty taiphoons to play is so easy but not all your thoughts would make any importancy in nuiverses for every human has codes the gps to lead your robots' are functional fun fun well.god took 2012.7.26.'s news old newspaper for me to read and 法案鼓山區  

法鼓山頒善單國內璽but he  died 2012.8.22.today and godfather whose father?everyone is my father ok.I accept for this is true love,understand?this is al-llah.lin lin lin.ah hot hot.do you really true love lin? would you use lin's stories in newspapers to carry dogs' shits?today's 8.23 the most important war the calendar lend lend records

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

8.23.devastating storms came first and still got worse and worse not like 8.23 lin announced new kingdom for god before 10.25. and after 10.25.2012.the worst first will begin.please all join and cheque what lin will say for true and pure does lin really love the god's m nbew kindom/s?please king do the m mm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm.de is die and je is je and do m is dome and cheque please as you said you cannot be close to lin but why join the hong kong and new village the good tv's two and only two conference for me?

but they said they love really? true love? love lin but hate lin's god.well.ok. and you wanna lin to worship the universe? I'm the universessssssssss.relax and lin's clothing is on-sale and off sales and roc red is hot selling but only all women to buy and their dates or bfs do wear all nba real men but against lin's for each couple I see is female wears lin but man must not lin.al-hot frozen.al-hot.lin made a modeling for leading people to worship himself but true god and you said lin was taught by lin continue tomorrow and god made both lin to use b-ball to make things make it happen for mc said she was in poverty and the song was fully describling of her past and now she wasted for she had mad in crazy and anyway she they got a child and I knew wang my favour singer got pregnant as two months ago I said she only got one time gold clock award to vs chen but chen couldn't walk out of her life for wrong buddhism that her mom was taken away by god and god made both lin to love b-ball so easy can't and won't be speaking out from lin's month no mouth out hhh.

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but lin is trying to unite prc and roc and old ladies who voted for kmt always said and all said to me it was very not blessed and shamed that the taibay mayor asked lin did you play nba,nba? for taiwan not for amer cia ica?

am? or pm in rio?lin said he isn't that smart ok L said I let him play for roc.roc? yes, only roc.in the time of he lives and every miute is every happy and love and fun birthday. happy birthday for all and lin the teacher said birthday is remembering mom's bittest day and buddism said no more any buddha is female and even although no any buddha ever was female for first was nothing stayed and existed but all women weman are god's families.yes ter day the world tv owner said he is the smartest monk and prc+roc why? cause he said he's 淨空 old 9 old monk and he said he had said the most talent word is god controls and had made all things. good monk this is why founder made the lama for buddhism and for founder's only son according to east india the buddhism true no lying history and hero o.all lamas said there is one god and al-juslin not justin the tv replays justin everyday and some pop stars said the met j.lin in night clubs and they all know lin very well and they are all virgins for god's comments:   

commandment 诫命, 诫, 戒律
admonish 告诫, 谏, 训诫, 劝戒, 规劝, 警告
warn 警告, 提醒, 告诫, 警戒, 警, 注意
prohibit 禁止, 阻止, 不准, 禁, 查禁, 诫
anmd lin said he hates and still hates media said he dated with that model.al-hot hot hot.al-hot.

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Actually today is 8.22.which means not chinese lovers' all love day and also not the western the dead day the venus,muse thanks jolin the muse spake not lin mute always mute and why? don't know couse she was in fortune built province and got to be mute and not married must also sacrified had become the biggest and hopefully not the fattest but the most influential flu shot powerness the first central prc movers took darker taiwan the bay has many ty tai typhoons I was worrying no typhoons taiwan residents would be borned and played some for fun but today the 23rd is the 

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 13 Mon 2012 09:22
  • 159.

迷你鵰人盡皆知 陳奕:我又不是拍A片!


2012年8月13日 07:27

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

will stand above all mt.s to watch drugs be out of brsil by 2014.jesus stans tall on the mt.in 2013 of brsil.why russin to get ruby rubion red oh no the brownze because I like their pix. lont time ago to know they got brownze.俄「籃」截銅牌 阿根廷哭泣prc plus east india have over half the entire can bee no can be seen population and to combine both can make all people happy if there is only one religion they want to create,understand?everyone knew amercia won jowon the olajuwon amercia got 46 golds and why paul the oct. 8 octapus and you believed animals had guessed prc would win the most?animals have spirits?let animals all go to schools and people run on the farms.

最帥體操男馬歇爾床照曝光 粉絲心碎痛哭


2012年8月11日 19:16

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

L said Lon gon on on LonLOn londongon is finished. and my idol is in people's area and will come to taiwan many times as usual and always in his times and will you all be sick I only have one idol and my idol is nearby and are you all keep healthy and did not get much or any upsickness.thanks for named mother god is lin mute and why can't I have other title otherwise not lin lin lin???you all ever agreed and made and still mute in above majority and life is very easy if only you ease yourself or yourselves with god and families.美國夢幻十隊成功衛冕,以107:100驚險擊敗西班牙隊,拿下美國隊在奧運會中的第14面金牌,終於完成奪金任務。why 7? haha and two hours latre I'll will watch with god and many aliens who made old things happened included this one and which is bettre? re jeredmy?both are well but in these centry re recent century no recent days anyway one I say and don't mean it's all my words one I say team one got few awesome ones and still alive and will face seeing true god and team ten got some close to team one's few but all well done as all 12 people as this blog has 12 people every each can be the best ever in teams means tea no ten has everyone is excellent and tom no to compare one was few well but w/o all 12 in team 10 wouldn't win all and this is how you don't pass ball to jeredmy when some rookies said new season won't assist and pass ball to lin.and kb the most experience to lead davis.gold is same price as a champion ring,understand?yang lost long time ago to know for even before she left she sid she got best blessing course with her? and even tv anchors in taiwan taibay made doubt for the man's family went to doists' temple to pray and I would be happy ? a beautiful tribe I chose and the first one chen the gold when I practiced I made all included ju got gold medal also and they said when they were very young to watch chen to win gold.liu flyer's record still unbreakable and he really got bad injured and no more commercial will sign him no more and past is remaining and everyone can change for made a fesh new from now with god and who invested him wrong that was their idol they chased as jeredmy got tier company also in dirty words county to follow to hus ton and if you are samrt then sign both acer and asus and benq.but no beers thanks and my favour book: they digged ny and found 100 yrs ago ny yankers first used telephone there and jeredmy went to harvar arvar LarLar to study this and went back ca one year and also studied in ca over two hundred years ago joel and his church made wireness 100 yrs earlier than yankers and in taxes.the dallas cubans discovered people in taxes used wireless three 300=900 yrs ago and 林書豪臉書 謝台灣球迷 (圖).the majority really like and love him be so icon means I never watched him looked like these but on tv and guess what there's one who looks like him and so funny he the other one really wanna dressed like him but people are learned the real je has to be so much like the alikes in drawing.will all hus ton christians made samll steaming meat wraping in cage.though chaos the first was before watre in the land and the skies the all mixing is also called swallow the clouds and the chen ex pres. the food of flatter dumplin in fact made from each different person by each time of fingers of strength are all kinds and when he was called these in palo high I was so hungry I'm sixer now. poor life you really think maitreye's stomach is huge as a snake to eat elephants and still could keep healthy and always happy and cute?and for taiwan better made the flag for i'm god and don't need to show the plum flower,for one is important than the others and true the male got referee to make wrong jugde and even the brownze was the same and amercia talked about how gbr's referees not judge the only one is god and the gold english lady didn't dare to watch great grand when she knew she was helped by english referee and referees and it's their country.what will I do? pray me I'll tell but for past please keep fight for god's fairness and mercy for god made all happening.though, 

  • 7小時前
    可惡 夢十贏了

god1god2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 29 Sun 2012 14:54
  • 156.

1. Donald Sterling(快艇)

過去的快艇小氣到讓人嘆為觀止(曾一再重複「培養明日之星、卻又不願花錢續約而放任他們跳槽」的戲碼),不過惡名昭彰的Sterling在近年來似乎轉了性,一改吝嗇的態度、終於開始灑錢,並在今年夏天和灌籃王Blake Griffin簽下一紙巨型合約,確保這名球隊未來基石長期留在洛杉磯。

小氣歸小氣,Sterling之所以會被外界認為是瘋子、主要是因為他竟然會在比賽中對自己的球員咆哮挑釁。根據多方媒體報導,Sterling曾多次在比賽中於場邊座位上對快艇球員咆哮,最著名的例子是在2010年的一場主場比賽中,他坐在場邊怒罵當時快艇控衛Baron Davis,大聲數落他高薪低就和身材走樣。


Donald Sterling。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)he had no wrong for gave ncaa-nbas lotsof fames and jobs and each of u went to all kinds of religionsts to be blinding to try to void and aviod your taxes from me and from hells and made my second best love the blake the huge amount as lin's and cps but all three won't win any titles can you spend god's free money this way and all 29 boss the 29 bosses must lost in many for only players made huge amount money and be bad role models to stop worlds peace and think?he had the fates and his destiny and you still coursed on davis and got no money and nothing you had more and god gives each life is well above good and wisdom in how god thinks not living conditional is how god fits in your way to live even your marriage and made for my own friends and families.that's tells you no judge and no critical any can't turn points.god lives as aliens most don't kill themselves.even means no surgery caused by sports.

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