




尼克之所以沒有匹配火箭的報價,很大程度上是因為豪華稅的關係。為此,他們及時簽下菲爾頓,頂替林書豪的先發位置。安東尼在接受採訪時認為尼克今夏的引援工作很成功。when lin's mouth is only full of love the cute living god I don't think god's cute but lin thinks and when his whole mouth is love love god and melon your best is moth full of love god love love lovely loving god only and you said you are lin's best and biggest support and also you continuly said felton is and will be knicks' sucess this summer for melon only mouth needs to full eating loves god is yours melon,ok? and




已經是第三次代表美國隊出征奧運會的安東尼還表示,自己將在某些場次的奧運比賽中先發出場,但對於替補的身份也完全能夠接受。本周日,美國隊將迎來倫敦奧運會的首個對手法國隊。like all religionsts complain money is evil and bad then why you all asked followers to donate for it and bible said even the larks in skies god feeds and why you will be starving to die? and only daoists got crazy for money can bear out new lifes of newer money lifes and for most of peeple in worlds money is tree and are used by your wisdon and trees do have god's lifes as their lights can move and absorb nearby airy airs to make people to die in forests and money isn't natural life as trees and money is made after killing god's own creation and money sure has no god's living lifes and the money light is adding by aliens to use or for you to uase within or w/o aliens and melon thinks a team and any team needs guards and he doesn't care guards are lin or kidd or nash and melon did ask lin to not ready then no necessary to play for games in may for melon really hated not anymore for melon really hated linsanity and melon was happy to lead the knicks and it's and it will and it was lin's problem for lin was so high tone and all lin was afraid was not to make d'antoni to keep his job was he was really afraid without month is apr. would he be a bencher again all he was concern in all was himself and as woodson took the op place and he was convinced by adults in all media and told the kid you are were a bencher again and he didn't be scared that much as back in early apr.'s first no games to play for him for he thought somehow there were teams would ask him for first moving and he thought god gave him the chances to performand he gave melon and all others to be real nba players who could steal b-ball from him lin thought and humble is very needed for thanks god but really lin was thanking himslef and he thinks how his super great and his wyws were short for god and god made him immediately stoped in knicks and I did all.period and please all peopls' mouths of full to love god and melon is always talk as the only leader in his own team and ko be is the same so 8.23.lin is the same and lin can't go back as the minor to listen to melon and if you can really to speak lin every day maybe you are smart and you will know what's in his head and for his annoying gf and he pretended to forget valentine's day and she complained and he kicked her away and I DIDN'T PLAN THE WHOLE THING i I just only tell you why you dream a idol and reporters try to prove he's only a man and short in wisdom and even lin's friend always said he has his best to memorize all closely their b-day dates and 我真心為林書豪感到驕傲,也為他高興。看到他進步如此神速,並且重回休士頓,而且在火箭隊中的地位將發生很大的變化。我祝他好運!」beautiful words for any nba says to the other and melon is very envy and jelous and melon will try be this season for lin already got lin's leading under machyer and I told you k coach is and was smart for put melon to first then droped him however my best love kD got issues so now only KD and melon got to shift for one routine job even james got lower grades than these two in early five warm-ups and k coach think james will be explosion as james does for real games and ko be is respected as honour and all three guards got shift only tyson is the only one but will be tired and why didn't alex and morey to sign yi who got kicked outfrom dallas? can yi be as less expensive as rocks' three new  ncaa be nbas?would yi be signed into rocks for rocks to make the highest revenue in wild prc markets and wouldn't huston,and why? for boring nba anti-lins to spend and all is made only by aliens and the GOD.

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