
means it's not necessary and for lots of reasons sure you work hard and your families are not poor and luckness do protect and bless the wed thing and to cpmpare with even worst no luckness ones you are or were but don't think it will win game title for aliens already set your life precisely and you may just choose to first to marry a out-of-plan person or gets new relationship in a out-of-plan stuff and as all kids have play the chances or fate in destinies kids' game no matter you would choose to come back home s you go on each same road to home everyday or every day you take all different roads to go hom on each road one day but all five different neibourhood routs for sight-seeing and speak to more people finally you still would get yourself to the entrance door and the only big door for even your houses have more than three doors to be in and as lin's uncles said it's very important to pray lin's ancestry and everytime i I did all my ju ancestry people were standing up the one I sadi I'd written last week and god had erased last week for me to rewritting for you all today and all my old people stood up and be shocked said why I'm the ghosts and be prayed for them and shouldn't myself be the oldest and when I prayed my ancestors I had lin and all names not only ju in my ancestry stand and believe or not I am the one who prayers prays ju's ancestors at my home and others won't believe and I love to shock themand remind them even the biggest to service and serve them and they don't even wanna the water I drank as I did before all their ant now is to say words to me and I pray and say their names for god must call upon every and each of his kins' names and for orientals ancestors the females all had no names but possibly one or not correct surname or surnames and hi. my ancestors are all gd and his theirs are aliens and aliens are mine as first to exist and life is a cycle for I'm not outof its fun and meaning for is first before there really a time? for sure there's love.who said you have to marry within 100 days otherwise you have to wait for 3 years and aliens will tell you before wake you up after wake your fish and dogs and cats and cockraoches up.   

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