尼爾森的續約合約被曝光。據悉,尼爾森和魔術簽訂的是一份為期三年總價值為2520萬美元的合約。nelson the magics got the same.「與湖人隊最大的不同,是在湖人隊中,我只需要考慮得分等場上的貢獻,但是在西班牙,我已經為這支球隊打了11年,我是球隊的領袖,需要帶領球隊朝著正確的方向前進,可以說責任更大。」在湖人加索爾是二當家,但是在西班牙,加索爾是絕對的核心。而西班牙人並沒有考慮在下個賽季離開湖人。「我很肯定地說,我明年會留在湖人隊,不會離開洛杉磯。」
當有記者問到與中國隊的比賽時,加索爾很謹慎地說:「我不認為中國隊是什麼軟柿子球隊,他們並不好打,但我已經做好了奧運會比賽的準備,很興奮,迫不及待與中國隊進行首戰決鬥。」for some people who only desire for money or more than money or thus and ... for some to have had the chance to lead will not by any chance to lose the leading mania maa man mandaring man darling and everybody is sure lin will not release his desire and chance to not lead and give up the chance with me for once some of men kind got and hard to let them release out from their hands or wish or expectation or desiring.for paul gasol says only wait for scoing points to show out is his all amercian life but he only has few months in most of the years of his to carry the leader's leading desires and lin is lin different? got me?will let you all to read if lin will ever let me go?
- Jul 27 Fri 2012 11:00
2520 beomes to the standard wage for pointsguard at nba.