![不明飛行物 不明飛行物](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2012/07/12/120712134424_ufo_512x288_spl.jpg&width=512&height=288)
根據英國國家檔案館(National Archiev)新近解密公布的一批共6700頁國防部(MoD)UFO文件;英國前首相托尼·布萊爾(Tony Blair)曾聽取關於1988年英國發現疑似UFO蹤跡的報告。
文件顯示,作家和新聞學講師戴維·克拉克博士(Dr. David Clarke)曾敦促布萊爾「考慮公開政府搜集的形形色色的大量UFO資料讓公眾檢視」。
當時英國政府剛開始實施信息自由法(Freedom of Information)和政府信息共享機制。
文件顯示,早在1996年,一位國會下院議員問前首相約翰·梅傑(John Major),政府是否應該就「UFO現蹤」展開國家級調查。
I'm not major cords I'm minors the minorities and絕密單位
- 1977年,威爾士西部多次有報告稱發現UFO,其中一名酒店東主聲稱看到兩個身著銀色制服的高個子「沒有面部的人形」在測量;means no head but do they do have eyes if you can see clearly the wyws the eyes are on the positions and eyes are very unseen by prro naked eyes for protection from ear+th men's poor ideas and poor eyes to check their head and eyes.
- 林肯郡的斯波定(Spalding)發現 UFO,目擊者聲稱隨後便有三個身著黑色制服的高個子男性訪客,他們「行動無聲無息」;
- 一名皇家空軍指揮官在一份給國防情報部門的備忘錄裏記敘了自己在4萬英尺高空飛行時看到UFO在他上方飛行的情況;
- 一名騎警報告稱1999年他在切爾西足球俱樂部球場附近執勤時看到一件「方形/鑽石形狀的物件在天空移動並改變形狀」;
- 一份備忘錄記錄了皇家海軍軍艦1982年前往福克蘭群島參戰途中被「估計是穿著雨衣的綠色小人的UFO尾隨」的描述
as bible sss l L I SAID the jehovah is describe as spititual his kinds face or faces and taken away from poor and naked eyes aliens gave funny story to tell joseph lin stinks smith and your heats the heartbeats speak to you even with holy spirit's wispering voice and gd has face and head but mostly time he only shows his eyes for he doesn't like to be bothered by me because i'm boss not bossy and he can't take or even do my job so he has full body only poor eyes can't see but can be touched by him and told by him and everytime he feels my spirits he showes himself as white thundreing and he can choose to show me or not to show and he's around me in close or distance in near and into airy airs and like light is very heart heat to burn my skin or just into my breathe or knock my head to say lin stinks how?he need to be killed because he created lin and made me tunning no where to. 純屬虛構
克拉克博士是《UFO文件》(The UFO Files)一書作者,謝菲爾德海勒姆大學新聞專業高級講師。他曾敦促公開這些資料。